Peggy McIntosh


Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D., former associate director of the Wellesley Centers for Women, is also the founder and now senior associate of the National SEED Project. SEED helps teachers and community members create their own local, year-long, peer-led seminars in which participants use their own experiences and those of their students, children, and colleagues to widen and deepen school and college curricula and make communities and workplaces more inclusive.

Dr. McIntosh directs the Gender, Race, and Inclusive Education Project, which provides workshops on privilege systems, feelings of fraudulence, and diversifying workplaces, curricula, and teaching methods. Dr. McIntosh has taught English, American Studies, and Women's Studies at the Brearley School, Harvard University, Trinity College (Washington, D.C.), Durham University (England), and Wellesley College.

She is co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Women's Institute, and has been consulting editor to Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women. In 1993-1994, she consulted with women on 22 Asian campuses on the development of Women's Studies and programs to bring materials from Women's Studies into the main curriculum. In addition to having four honorary degrees, she is a recipient of the Klingenstein Award for Distinguished Educational Leadership from Columbia Teachers College. She earned her doctorate degree from Harvard University.

She is making her classic 1989 article, "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," available publicly online for the first time in an authorized version.