Jena Doolas


I came to SEED in my early fifties. I was not a stranger to work in this area but finding the container, language and lens catalyzed me in ways I am so grateful for.

I have been mentored by supportive and authentic SEED facilitators in the Chicago area who have held me to account and trusted the sensibility I bring through my many identities. I work to remain earnest, authentic and thorough as a white woman who is learning to unlearn what is ‘normal’, as well as in learning and leading with others in understanding how our systems (personal, local and global) of oppression function in our lives.

I have become a more fluid and flexible SEED facilitator over the past seven years. I use my many years of experience as an educator and school social worker to support people as they examine how their racist and other oppressive beliefs function in their lives. As an artist, I use scaffolding to aid in learning, and metaphors to help make the complex more accessible. I have an insatiable desire to learn and am motivated by the questions that arise at the edge of ALL my DKDK.

I am so grateful for being able to continue this work and learning as part of The National SEED Staff.