Selected SEED Scholarship

The work of SEED is informed by the scholarship of more than 120 staff members since 1987. The SEED curriculum is constantly changing to meet the opportunities and challenges faced by educators and community leaders working to make their sites and the people at their sites more whole, well and just and able to enact change.

Dr. Peggy McIntosh’s work on white privilege and male privilege and Emily Style’s metaphors of “curriculum as window and mirror” and balancing "scholarship on the shelves" with "scholarship in the selves" seeded the project. McIntosh and Style, along with all the writers included here, seek to question the status quo and suggest alternative ways of seeing.

Some key texts from our founding directors can be found here.

Building equitable communities and classrooms

White privilege

Program evaluations

District implementation of SEED

SEED Video Testimonials

What We're Working On

"On Nests and Cages: Facilitating Towards Just Possibilities," Jondou Chase Chen 2018.

"Pebbles Make the Mountain," Jondou Chase Chen 2018.